Did you know that dental sealants can dramatically lower your risk for tooth decay? According to several studies, you can lower your risk of tooth decay by as much as 80% with a single application of dental sealants. Dental sealants are cosmetic treatments designed to apply a thin coating directly to the chewing surfaces of teeth for added protection. One of the benefits that dental sealants provide is that they will not be eroded through by acids in your mouth as tooth enamel would.
Dental sealants are even safe to use for children. According to the Center for Disease Control, also known as the CDC, a single application of dental sealants for children can make them three times less likely to show signs of cavities on protected teeth. Furthermore, they can even be placed as soon as their first molars begin to grow in, which typically occurs around the age of 6. They are also long lasting as a single dental sealant can last over a decade. Furthermore, dental sealants are clear and allow the national shine of your teeth to continue to beam through.
If you suffer from tooth decay and require dental sealants, speak with our team at Louisiana Dental Center to see which treatment is right for you. For a visit with our dentists in Covington, Louisiana, schedule an appointment at our dental office by calling (985) 893-5522.